Talent Philosophy

Core ideology: opportunity and stage for people who want to do something, social status and better rewards for people who is successful.


Principle of who is moral and intelligent: talent selection and employment should be as the comprehensive assessment and the requirement of combining ability with character.


Principle of effect theory: staff employment is depending on the ability and competence no matter education background, age, identity, etc. Now, the average age of technical and management staff is about 35 and workshop directors 30. The personnel selected as the principle of effect theory is the main force of enterprise development.


Principle of practice first: various professional personnel will be arranged to the project site for practice and development at the beginning of their career. Promotion will be equal to everyone by exams.


Principle of survival of fitness: the one who is the best will be entrusted with an important post.


Principle of opportunity for everyone: consider and choose the most reasonable and proper post for everyone in consideration of his/her character, like the capabilities, specialties, experiences, personalities, etc to keep the sustainable, rapid and effective development of an enterprise.

